Over the past year, the agencies who have signed up for training on their own personalized site have expressed their amazement at the cost effectiveness of the training. The most important benefit has been seeing volunteers train at their own convenience and discovering if volunteering is right for them. The initial training of most every volunteer training course done within an agency consists of the basic information required by the Medicare Conditions of Participation. This course outlines and defines those basic guidelines. The agency is then free to work individually on the gfts the volunteer offers.
Is this an administrative volunteer? The course supplies more than most admin volunteers will ever learn on the job. It may be the influencer for patient care volunteerism.
How about youth groups and faith groups? Use the tool to educate the community and entice youth groups to provide the tasks that will help the agency meet the 5% requirement for patient time.
Once you consider paying hosting fees for your own site, paying a designer to develop the course, pay someone to monitor the technical issues you have paid for your course site. Add in the costs of losing a volunteer because the training times weren't convenient, or the cost of gathering the volunteers (and usually feeding them) and the salary and time of staff educators and you know that you have just saved your agency money by using the online tool.
The cost is $10 per volunteer per year. In return, the agency receives
* A free personalized training site which includes company logo, link to agency home page, and volunteer contact information.
* 11 Module Course - Meets Medicare Conditions of Participation
* Add additional training courses - No set up fee
* Certificate of Completion for volunteer trainee and ability for hospice volunteer coordinator to view and print
* Hospice Agency Control - Monitor training progress and approve, add or delete users
* Free personalized forum and blog
* Free calendar of events
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